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能够对现代社会产生长远影响的本源型传统,构成现代社会发展的基础性制度。在东方国家的本源型传统中,不同于俄国和印度的村社制,中国是家户制,并在此基础上形成独特的中国农村发展道路。其中包括:以家户经营为基础的农业经营组织,家户内部农工商结合基础上的农工商互补经济,家户互助合作基础上的农村合作形式,家国共治基础上的农村治理体系。在中国农村发展进程中,尽管家户制一度被抛弃,但仍构成当下及未来农村发展的制度底色。  相似文献   
利用本省大学生假期返乡之际,调查了覆盖海南省16个县市的36个乡镇(村寨)幼儿园的163位女教师的专业发展状况。结果发现,海南乡村女幼儿教师存在数量不足、学历偏低、培训不力和社会评价不高等问题。建议构建乡村幼儿教师专业发展的保障体系、通过分级分类模式提高培训质量。  相似文献   
近年来农村校车事故频发,使得校车安全问题浮出了水面。其实,校车不够规范只是校车事故频发的表层原因,而更深层次的原因却在于城乡教育资源配置的不公平。所以要解决校车安全问题,不仅在于规范校车、提高校车的质量,还在于合理配置教育资源,实现城乡教育公平。  相似文献   
The rural Minimum Living Standard Guarantee (Dibao) Scheme is the most important social assistance programme in rural China. However, how the rural Dibao programme affects household expenditures and whether it can enable the poor to escape the poverty trap are questions that remain largely unexplored. This study used data from the 2012 Rural Household Survey in China to investigate the impact of the rural Dibao programme on household expenditures. We found that the programme significantly improved the well‐being of low‐income households. Particularly, the programme significantly increased household expenditures on housing, education and health; furthermore, the impact was greater for households with educated household heads. However, the programme did not significantly affect household expenditures on food, transportation or farming inputs. The results imply that participation in the rural Dibao programme induces household investment in human capital, which could help to break the inter‐generational transmission of poverty and raise long‐run welfare.  相似文献   
调查显示,乡村教师的科研处于初始或停滞状态,亟需构建科研能力培训课程体系。乡村教师缺乏教育教学反思能力是现实中普遍存在的问题,为此要加强对乡村教师教育理论知识的重温与重构。另外,针对乡村教师科研热情不高的现状,要建立科研培训课程体系。一方面,根据教育实践问题为科研活动提供研究方向,设置侧重科研过程原则性和步骤性的培训课程;另一方面,将乡村教师在日常教育教学中生发的心得体会和经验总结转化为科研论文,设置科研论文写作的培训课程。  相似文献   
The new generation of modernity theorists have forecast the democratization of gender relations within intimate relationships in late‐modern times. Chinese society has undergone rapid and dramatic changes in its unique trajectory of political, social and economic reform. Using China as an example of a region which has been largely ignored in contemporary social theory, this article enters the debate to contest the extent to which conjugal relationships are democratized in line with modernity. We further test the assertion that modern marriages are characterized by increased self‐disclosure and communication between partners. Data from a national survey on Chinese families is analysed in relation to the level of self‐disclosure between husbands and wives; gender division of housework; household decision‐making; and home ownership. We highlight the impact of gender, cohort and location (urban, rural or migrant) on experiences of modernity and draw attention to the material, social and cultural factors which continue to shape conjugal relations in contemporary Chinese society. Based on our findings, we contest the argument that disclosing intimacy between intimate partners is a defining characteristic of modern relationships, and suggest that other social factors may condition degrees of self‐disclosure in marriage. Similarly, we question the extent to which heterosexual conjugal equality is attained: the cultural practices and values of patrilineal family organization, together with material circumstances, continue to influence marital relations in China.  相似文献   
保护幼儿的生命和健康是幼儿园教育工作的首位。对甘肃六个经济落后县域的乡村幼儿园教师进行问卷调查和访谈,了解到乡村幼儿园教师对待户外健康教学活动的态度是积极的、户外健康教学活动实施的胜任水平有待提高、教学理论支持户外健康教学活动的实施不尽如人意、对幼儿运动负荷量的把握情况不容乐观、对户外健康教学活动与游戏活动的关系理解不清晰。提出调动乡村幼儿园男教师设计与实施健康教学活动的热情、开展丰富乡村幼儿园教师教学理论知识的专项培训、通过专题研讨帮助乡村幼儿园教师理解幼儿运动负荷量的重要性、分析优秀案例帮助乡村幼儿园教师厘清教学和游戏的关系等建议。  相似文献   
Within the context of a community-academic partnership, we undertook a mixed-methods study to identify and explore health status, priorities, and management strategies among aging Wisconsin rural women. A questionnaire measuring diverse wellness needs was administered to women participating in personal development programming offered by a rural nonprofit organization. A subgroup participated in qualitative interviews to deepen the understanding of identified health priorities and methods of coping and healing. Findings provide insight into the prevalence of self-silencing among rural women and highlight mechanisms that help to facilitate the dismantling of self-silencing.  相似文献   
乡村振兴绕不开空间维度.通过福建土楼修缮的个案分析,展现了物理空间 的修复过程以及由此引发的社会参与和乡村再组织化,在解决地方问题的同时,赋予了空间 新的文化活力.土楼修缮引起的连锁反应改变了乡村面貌,呈现了在空间形塑、主体实践、 文化势能机制下物理空间、社会空间、文化空间相互建构的动态过程,凸显了地方性、社会参 与和文化活化的关键作用.  相似文献   
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